Is Woocommerce Outdate ?

Is the Woocommerce outdated ?

For me, the answer actually is NOT.

Woocommerce have a lot of advanced features which other eCommerce CMS cannot fight with him.

Firstly, Woocommerce is ride on WordPress, so it has a lot of theme for us to change, we can change from time to time. Compared to other CMS, only few can select and some of them just can change the color.

Secondly, Woocommerce have a lot of useful plugin and some plugin also is the latestt ideal to run a eCommerce site, other CMS do not have plugin, they stick to existing system only, maybe just add-in more courier and payment gateway support.

Thirdly, Woocommerce have a power features is “Customization” is allowed, we can add in some special formula or workflow as we like.

Although some of the features need a knowledge to develop. As our company, we have developed more than 300 sites using Wocommerce, and we did lot of customization on Woocommerce.

We know Woocommerce is good and we understand it.


Best Accounting Software In Malaysia

You decide buy “Accounting Software” for your company, which one is the best choice ?

Actually, most of the people will choose “Brand”, then second is ask “Their Professional Friend”. At the end of the day, they may spend more and choose the wrong software.

Before they buy accounting software, they should understand the company SOP first, what is the additional term and conditions they may need, like Foreign Currency, Invoice Format Requirement, etc.

Secondly, they need to find out the service provider have the capabilities to do it or not, especially on the customize part. No matter what accounting brand, as long as you can master it, it can solve your problems.

Thirdly is need to calculate the cost & after sales services.

Malaysia E-Invoice By Year 2024 & 2025

All register business and company must implement E-Invoice by 2024 & 2025.

For turnover over 100 million, they need to implement the E-Invoice by midst of 2024 and the other will be at midst of 2025.

All the company need to upgrade their existing acconting software in oder to meet the LHDN requirement.